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Ricardo Compairé (1883-1965), aragonais chemist established in Hecho and confirmed amateur photographer. When he saw ancestral customs of his locality of adoption disappear, he dedicated himself starting from 1908 to create a historical archive of High Aragon, composed of landscapes, views of houses, villages, manners and customs, portraits, … His pictures were mostly composed and staged for the good of preservation and of authenticity. The village of Hecho displays everywhere these pictures, in the city council, in the museum of ethnology, in bars and hostels. His work was the first group of pictures to enter into the provincial photographic collection of Huesca, created in 1989.

This series has been done during the event "Jacobeo in Progress" of the project "hito - turismo creativo en los pirineos" in Hecho in october 2010. The project has been supported by the Community of Work of the Pyrenees in a cooperation program of transborder Spain - France - Andorra. It also received the support of the French Ministries of Culture and Communication, State education, Youth and Community life. It is carried by the Government of Aragon, l’Usine - officially agreed place dedicated to street art, Tournefeuille / Grand Toulouse et les Pépinières européennes for young artists.